среда, 5 октября 2011 г.

white carpet anemone::Found outside of the reef it resides in soft muddy or sandy substrate and can attain a size of up to 3 feet in diameter white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone::Found outside of the reef it resides in soft muddy or sandy substrate and can attain a size of up to 3 feet in diameter.
In the home aquarium, they can also serve as host for amphiprion ocellaris, a.
The aquarium should have a variety of sandy and rocky locations as this animal oftentimes can move about and seek refuge in a place it prefers.
Doing so will allow the anemone time to settle in and bury its foot completely into the sand bed.
Once in place, carefully move some sandy substrate around the column and increase the flow rate back to the normal output.
This species of carpet anemone can eat fish in the display aquarium so use caution when housing a carpet anemone in with fish other than clownfish.
It is also one of the few anemones that can cause a severe reaction in humans, so keeping one requires care in handling.
For proper care, a fully established aquarium, with perfect water chemistry, adequate flow and strong illumination, along with weekly or even daily feeding is needed.
Ideal foods consist of chunks of fresh fish, uncooked shrimp, and other meaty marine foods.
white carpet anemone::The stress of being shipped and moved between
numerous holding tanks puts a great strain on these creatures and not
all will do well or survive even with our best attempts white carpet

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