среда, 5 октября 2011 г.

red koolaid carpet clean::Here is exactly what you need to do to get out unsightly koolaid or red beverage stains from your carpet red koolaid carpet clean

red koolaid carpet clean

red koolaid carpet clean

red koolaid carpet clean

red koolaid carpet clean::Here is exactly what you need to do to get out unsightly koolaid or red beverage stains from your carpet.
Please follow the instructions carefully.
Step 1: you will want to use the right chemical to get the stain out.
We use a product called that is specifically designed to get out koolaid, juice and red beverage stains.
It does a fast and easier job than other methods.
We use it everyday.
Step 2: get yourself several white, clean, terry cloth towels depending on how big of a stain you have.
The bigger the stain, the more towels you will need.
Step 3: apply a liberal amount of the over the stained area.
Step 4: place a wet, folded and clean terry cloth towel over the stain.
Step 5: next, you will need a steam iron filled with water and placed on low to medium low setting.
Place the iron over the folded towel.
Press firmly on the wet towel and let the steam pull the red dye stain into the towel.
Keep the iron on the spot at least 2 minutes and check you progress frequently.
Step 6: as the iron steams out the red dye, it will turn your towel red or whatever color the stain was.
Either rinse out the towel and replace it on the stain or put a new terry cloth towel over the stain and repeat this procedure until the stain is gone.
Step 7: spray the area with hot water that you just cleaned and use another dry terry cloth towel to blot up the excess water.
This will rinse the area and neutralize the cleaning process.
red koolaid carpet clean::The following are safe for all carpet types
red koolaid carpet clean

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