воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.

urinating on carpet::Squatting for long periods of time, blood in the urine, frequent urination and meowing while trying to urinate are all signs that your pet might have a bladder or urinary tract issue or infection urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet::Squatting for long periods of time, blood in the urine, frequent urination and meowing while trying to urinate are all signs that your pet might have a bladder or urinary tract issue or infection.
These health problems can cause litter box avoidance.
Take your cat to your veterinarian to rule out any health issues that might be causing him or her to urinate on carpet.
Treat any health issues that are discovered to prevent future problems.
Investigate other reasons that your cat might be urinating on the carpet once you have ruled out health problems.
Correct any issues that you discover might be causing your cat to urinate on the carpet.
Clean the carpet where you cat has been urinating thoroughly, preferably with a cleaner that contains enzymes.
Use a litter brand that your cat prefers and try different brands until you find one that he or she uses regularly.
urinating on carpet::It is of vital importance that you do this
urinating on carpet

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