воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.

dog chews carpet::Exercisea lot of it dog chews carpet

dog chews carpet

dog chews carpet

dog chews carpet

dog chews carpet::Exercisea lot of it.
And then do extra stuff: play with her, play fetch, arrange a doggie playdate with another dog, go to a dog park.
Work with her on tricks.
The exercise needs to happen to provide a physical outlet.
But the tricks and training will provide mental stimulation.
Plus you can do these indoors and even on your couch.
Spend 1015 minutes a day in 23 sessions doing quick trick or obedience work.
Get some bitter apple spray.
This is not a solution without the first two suggestions.
But dogs hate the scent.
So you could spray the holes in the rug your dog likes to chew.
It would be even better if you got it up to 60 minutes.
Otherwise, you can expect a lot more chewing.
dog chews carpet::The dogs, same with human, are social animals dog
chews carpet

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