вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

removing tar stains from carpet::Apply a small amount of club soda on the stain and allow to bubble for a few minutes removing tar stains from carpet

removing tar stains from carpet

removing tar stains from carpet

removing tar stains from carpet

removing tar stains from carpet::Apply a small amount of club soda on the stain and allow to bubble for a few minutes.
Then blot gently until the area is dry.
Keep these items together in a box or cabinet so that you can find them easily.
Here are some items you might want to include on your emergency shelf: 1.
A spray bottle containing water only.
A spray bottle solution of one part white vinegar to two parts water.
Always test first in an inconspicuous area.
A spray bottle solution of 2 tablespoons household ammonia and 1 cup water.
Always test first in an inconspicuous area.
A commercial spot removal agent or dry cleaning solvent.
Absorbent white cloths and paper towels.
Remove as much of the spill as possible.
Scrape solid matter with a spoon or dull knife.
Vacuum any dry matter.
Blot liquid spills with a clean dry cloth.
Apply solution of dishwashing liquid and water to the remaining stain and blot with a clean dry cloth.
Rinse with water and blot dry.
If stain remains, repeat the procedure with another stain removal agent, always testing first in an inconspicuous area.
When carpet is dry, brush and vacuum to restore appearance.
Food coloring, including colored drinks, cough syrups, etc.
Remove as much of the stain as possible by blotting with paper towels.
Next apply solution of dishwashing liquid and water.
Blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse and blot dry.
If some staining remains, repeat the process with vinegar solution, rinse with water, and blot with clean dry cloth.
Consider using a commercial spot removal agent if stain remains.
Greasy stains, such as gravy or salad oil: as always, remove as much of the material as possible.
Or try using solution of dishwashing liquid and water.
Blot with clean dry cloth to remove the stain, then rinse and blot until dry.
Remove as much of the polish as possible by blotting gently with paper towels.
Use a clean area of cloth each time you blot the stain.
When stain is removed, follow with solution of dishwashing liquid and water.
Blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse with water and blot until dry.
Place an ice cube over the gum for 10 15 minutes.
Then carefully scrape as much of the gum as possible.
Work carefully to avoid spreading the stain.
Repeat until stain is removed, moving to a clean area of cloth each time.
Once stain is removed, apply solution of dishwashing liquid and water and blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse and blot until dry.
Protein stains, such as blood, milk, or eggs: remove as much of the stain as possible.
Then apply solution of dishwashing liquid and water to the stain and blot with clean dry cloth until stain is removed.
Rinse with water and blot to remove moisture.
Rinse and blot with clean dry cloth.
As always, remove as much of the matter as possible.
Spray with solution of dishwashing liquid and water and blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse with water and blot until dry.
Rinse and blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse and blot with clean dry cloth.
Remove solid matter by scraping with a spoon or dull knife.
Blot with paper towels to remove as much of the stain as possible.
Spray with solution of dishwashing liquid and water and blot with clean dry cloth.
Rinse with water and blot dry.
Rinse and blot dry.
removing tar stains from carpet::Fortunately, there are a number of
simple solutions to eliminate sticky tar stains from your carpet
removing tar stains from carpet

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